Hi Queens & Kings, I am your favorite creatives favorite creative! 😉

I am a scorpio sun, pisces moon, & aquarius rising! Drop your top 3 in the comment section below!
My scorpio sun definitely shines through. I wouldn’t say I’m the most scorpio scorpio because when we think of the most scorpio scorpio we tend to think of a sassy bitch who only wants dick. Don’t get me wrong, I can definitely be a sassy bitch most days, BUT I ALWAYS try my best to keep it lighthearted! I am a scorpio stellium. Meaning I have scorpio in three or more houses. I have scorpio in 4 houses to be exact, one of them being my venus. A scorpio venus is the PERFECT person to see how sexy beauty really is! I find sex interesting and appealing! I feel love without sex is pointless and I feel photography without sexy undertones it boring! Here is a photo of me showing off my scorpio-ness!

My pisces moon helps me stay in the flow of things. My scorpio is the fire of the water signs, adding some rip currents no one asked for, while my pisces helps me flow through it. To not let the rage win! Meeting any situation with rage never helps, only fuels the fire! My pisces moon allows me to feel deeply and connect to all my fellow water beings! Finishing my big three is my aquarius rising! I love my aquarius rising! She is my compassion, my want for world peace, my breath of fresh AIR! Having an air sign as my rising has balanced my water signs so much! I always say for this reason I can breathe under water. I have many dreams of me breathing under water. Coincidence? I think not! I am a mermaid, witch, photographer who can breathe under water! Thank god I grew up in Tampa, Florida so close to the beach! I feel my chart is a perfect concoction of the elements and stars to make the best girl queen pussy boss photographer and videographer! It helps me see the beauty of life in the everyday and I bring this power to my art! My photography and videography are forever growing because I am forever stepping in to my highest self! There is always more to learn, I stay a student in life, which I have discovered is definitely a super power!
Getting to know each other is huge! The more we vibe as friends the easier it is for me to capture your “good side”! I know even though we all have the perfect astrological charts for us and our journey, I still know nothing is truly perfect! We all struggle at times, even in time of great joy, like a wedding! There are going to be inevitable problems, but you never know if the funniest thing will come from the hardest obstacle, and I’ll be there to document it! Let’s get through life together as best we can and remember all the good times! Astrology has helped me see life through a clearer lens! Contact me HERE about your photo & video project & while you’re at it ask about my astrology work! We can unpack what is written in the starts for you! I cannot wait to meet you and start our photography & videography & astrology journey!

This is me living my best live, embracing the universe for what it is and who I, in my human form, show up as within it! We can only make change from a state of contentment! I’m here, happy as can be, content as hell, to make you see your beauty and glowing essence! Let’s be besties and frolic around the globe collecting artsy content! I LOVE YOU! STAY HOT, QUEEN! 😉
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